Message From The President

Message From The President

Welcome to the DSAA! You’re among friends. 

For over 50 years, DSAA has been a proud leader in the traffic safety education sector. We’re proud of the contributions we have made to this critical field. Our member driving school owners and partners have worked to influence how drivers are trained and evaluated every step of the way. If you are reading this, though, you are probably more interested in what the DSAA is doing now and tomorrow rather than what we’ve done in the past.

The truth is, as an international Association, we don’t have a lot of direct influence on your driving school business. We’re not a competitor, regulator, legislator or vendor. The DSAA is a resource, and we’re one of the best. Our members come from all over North America and a few even further. They join DSAA because no matter what challenge they are facing at their driving schools, there are other members who are either facing it as well, or have figured out a way to overcome it. Most importantly, at our events, members openly share what has worked and what hasn’t worked.  

Our members are the best and brightest from everywhere. Some are single owner/operators with 1 training vehicle while others operate schools with a large fleet of vehicles. Some have built relationships to become policy contributors at a national level while others are happy to grind every hour of every day working directly with drivers. DSAA members have a lot of differences, but our unbreakable bond is that we want safer roads through higher-skilled drivers, and being good is never good enough.

When it comes to conferences, we hold one of the best. Every year, our members come together to collaborate, attend thought provoking lectures, and interact with exhibitors and partners excited to help your driving school succeed and thrive. There is often nothing better than walking away from your daily grind to consider new ways to improve your business. The conference location moves around each year, but wherever it is, you can be sure it’s worth your time to attend.

Plain and simple, if you’re not a member yet, join today and never look back. Whatever goal you have for your driving school, your participation with DSAA will help you achieve it, and when you reach that goal, your interaction with other DSAA members will probably inspire you towards goals you may not even know exist. Owning and operating a driving school is a challenging adventure and joining DSAA won’t make it easy, but we will help you improve and you will probably help others along the way.

Lynn Rogers - President